Saturday, November 23, 2019

Where we are

Welcome to Lyonesse a place you may have difficulty locating on other maps. This blog is an attempt to model the islands of Lyonesse and District with special regard to the railways,buildings and people you would encounter on a visit there. Blessed with a warm climate, colourful characters, diverse architectural styles and  a railway system second to none what better place to while away the hours. Always summer here;when the weather is miserable nearby ,please drop over and see us.


  1. Welcome to the fraternity, sounds like an intriguing situation. Can we expect lots of Arthurian references? I seem to remember a 'Lyonnesse' layout from way back in the 60s, but it would need some digging to find the appropriate issue of Railway Modeller. I look forward to reading all about future developments.

  2. Thanks Joppy, we shall see re Arthur references. If you find the article let me know...

  3. Will there be a harbour and seaplane connections?

  4. Nice concept, looking forward to see how things go

  5. I once had as a child a lovely folding double sided map of the Isle of Sodor that I have never seen again. I found it fascinating to have a detailed map of a fictional place until I realised it was sort of the Isle of Man.

    I wonder if Lyonesse will be twinned with Sodor?

  6. Found it -


Semi Flat O gauge railway folk

 Been looking at these splendid examples of railway passengers and employees online. Many of them are Spenkuch figures. They are charming an...